هادف للإستشارات الإدارية والإتصالات وتقنية المعلومات
هادف للإستشارات الإدارية والإتصالات وتقنية المعلومات

Hadef for Communications and Information Technology

تصميم UI-UX

UI-UX Design

Website and application design services need a combination of professional design, taste in choosing colors, ease of use, as they must work together to provide the best user experience.

التطوير والبرمجيات

Development and Software

We offer all development and software services and the creation of special platforms, through a group of professional programmers, to ensure stable performance and sustainability of services.

برمجة وتصميم تطبيقات الجوال

Mobile Applications

Specialized in programming and designing all iPhone and Android mobile applications. To provide solutions that help companies raise growth and income rates and monitor all operations and performance indicators

تصميم الهويات التجارية للشركات وتسجيلها لحماية الملكية


Designing commercial identities for companies and registering them to protect ownership, including brand designs and electronic identity, to ensure that companies appear properly.

إستضافة المواقع

Web Hosting

We provide all hosting services and cloud services while securing servers, websites, emails and applications with one of the protection and security systems, with periodic backup services

انشاء المحتوى للمواقع الرسمية والمواقع الكبرى ويشمل ذلك إنتاج وتصوير الفيديو والصور وكذلك حماية حقوق النشر للمحتوى المعروض من خلال متخصصين في كتابة المحتوى بجميع اللغات

Content Management

Creating content for official sites and major sites, including the production and shooting of videos and images, as well as copyright protection for the content offered through specialists in writing content in all languages

SEO تحسين الظهور في محركات البحث

Search Engine Optimization SEO

Improving visibility in search engines, through special plans to appear in the first search results for important keywords, and this process is one of the most important e-marketing processes

تقارير دورية توضح أداء الموقع بصفة عامة وكذلك أداء الحملات التسويقية، والخدمات والمنتجات بالإضافة إلى تقارير توضح حصتك السوقية والشركات المنافسة وماهي أفضل أساليبهم

Performance Reports

Periodic reports showing the performance of the site in general, as well as the performance of marketing campaigns, services and products, in addition to reports showing your market share and competing companies and what are their best methods